
Thanks Al. Maybe somebody will listen.

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It is important that we read and understand information from reliable and credible sources to make our own determination. We all saw what happened on January 6 with our own eyes. I remember the coded message made in December: “Be there on January 6th. It’s going to be wild!” And it was; wild and violent.

Thank you for your post. I earnestly pray people will listen.

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If only the media would get its act together…

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Actually, I’m not fond of the term. I used it to make much the same point you did. People call them low information voters, but most of them are as you described. A lot of them are apathetic. What they all are is a danger to the republic.

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Yes they do. Some of them get it. The question will be how many will listen and follow their example.

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I certainly didn’t mean to leave women out. The whole GOP platform is a war on women, and I’m deeply cognizant of tbat.

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It’s the ones who are already radicalized that scare me. The ones stockpiling wrap an and who were at the Capitol January 6th.

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sorry…stockpiling guns

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We need at least 12 years of Democratic majorities:

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No, I don’t. I’d like Harris to target the undecideds who are deluded into thinking that Trump is better for the economy. The MAGAns are beyond hope.

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She needs to bust that myth on Tuesday.

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I’m with you. Simple and heartfelt. No wonkery.

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I agree with you, and I addressed the crazies. I was merely stating that their are often called low-information voters. My focus was the same as yours-the crazy as hell and the evil.

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Stop calling MAGA meatheads “low information voters” - this implies that a lack of information is what has caused them to be the existential threat that they are. Those people are racist Nazis, full stop. Evil must be called by its true name in order to end it, and for decency to prevail.

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“Low information voters“ is code for uneducated or diseducated. It starts in childhood. They are raised in racism, white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, and general misanthropy. They typically live in bubbles with people and churches who are all taught or teach and believe the same. It’s deeply ingrained, just as compassion and justice are deeply ingrained in others. Gerrymandered red states have clawed back so many social supports, including public education that teaches critical thinking. This results from systems that marginalize many and keep others engaged in chasing the illusory “American Dream”. This game plan has been in the works for decades in the US and throughout the world for centuries. Too many are obsessed with greed and self interest to participate in Democracy, which is requisite if it’s to remain strong. None of this will be resolved until everyone understands and takes responsibility for their part. Neither apathy or blame will change anything.

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Can’t fix stupid. Don’t even bother trying. The Nazis in Germany weren’t “educated” out of existence. Neither will ours. The solution will entail political domination and an absolute refusal to compromise with evil.

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You make some great points. I actually addressed four categories of Trump voters in a piece called How Trump Came to Be, and we are in complete agreement.

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Very well put. This is a needed return to the art of reasoning politics. I believe that we all can greatly benefit from a thought provoking presentation of facts, instead of the hack and attack, juvenile name calling, and spreading of false information.

Nice to receive such an important message, without base vulgarity and misdirected rant.

I’m listening, and others are too.

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Mark, I don't think it's simply people who believe Donnie. I think there are three problem groups. One is the group who agree with him. The second is the group who are too stupid, or, as you put it, insane, to understand the consequences of what he advocates. And the third is the people who are afraid of him. Merely for convenience and caricaturish efficiency, we could think of the first group as six of the nine SCOTUS justices, the second group as the people who attend his rally and cheer and hold up signs, and the third as Congress members who approve what he wants, because they're afraid that going against him incurs his wrath and his support of challengers to them. One glaring example of the latter is Liz Cheney, who incurred his wrath by voting to impeach him, and got herself unelected, but who had previously voted in line with him almost all the time. So she could be a dual example of someone who agreed with him and was afraid of him. But she turned out to have an ethical bone in her body (which she didn't inherit from her father, who I know now says he'll vote for Harris), so she actually did the right thing once.

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We need to get facts before the public. According to Goldman Sachs and Moody’s zTrump will be very bad for the economy, but Kamala Harris will be good.

The average person can expect to pay far more in roundabout taxes with Trump’s tariffs—and he keeps raising the percentage he would attach to goods. He wants to cut Medicare and Social Security. For a lot of people that will deep six retirement. And how are we supposed to care for elderly family members. People are exhausting their resources. A facility for care can easily run $10-15,000/month. And home care may be beyond a lot of people. If you have a parent of 95, you yourself may be 70. How does that work?

Trump has no childcare programs, and Vance wants family members to help rather than have government programs. IVF is phenomenally expensive. Republicans don’t want Obamacare. They certainly won’t pay for IVF.

And Trump’s calls to imprison his opponents (and that will be a lot of people) is eerily reminiscent of Stalin. Don’t think it won’t happen here. Further Trump states specifically that he will dismantle the government and replace tens of thousands of seasoned workers with his people—even if they have no experience or college degree.

This is really, really bad. If the media would get its act together, they might actually get the word out before it is too late. Dick Cheney is the last person to support a Democrat without having a very good reason.

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With all due respect, do you think that the MAGA meatheads give a rat’s ass for facts???? If only they had the right information they would see the light? You can’t “educate” Nazism out of existence. It requires political domination and the elimination of their figurehead.

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It is uncommitted voters who may even have voted for Biden in the past. Sarah Longwell did a focus group podcast about two days ago on people who hadn’t voted for Trump before but were considering it now. They were educated people, but unlike me, probably didn’t spend every minute following politics. So I nearly fell off my chair when they said they thought Trump would be better for the economy. I really think if they were given a page-long comparison, they wouldn’t feel that way. They are just hearing so little fact-checking by the media.

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I think you’re correct in identifying undecided voters as the key to winning the election. But Democrats consistently lose elections by believing that when voters are presented with facts will behave logically and in their best interests. Democrats will need to win this election based on raw emotion and backed by the simplest of messages.

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