
It’s all disgusting.

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I agree that future historians will struggle to avoid seeing DJT’s election in 2016 as anything but an ugly reaction to America’s first black president. Not that DJT created the racism, but (as you say) he gave it permission to come out of its caves.

What people carry in their hearts is their business, but how citizens treat each other in public and in social dealings (work, school, commerce, housing, health care, etc.) must meet standards of civic decency.

Laws cannot regulate hearts, but illegal behavior is readily definable. It may be enough for racism to return to its caves and stay there until it dies out.

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It's not just about racism. It's about money. It's about wanting to be a plutocrat. And, if possible, a kleptocrat. "Drill, baby, drill."

It's about people like Mark Robinson, who said that he'd "like to buy a few." A black man that endorses slavery--and "slave" labor." WTF.🤬 The white slave owners of the south were American oligarchs. The excessively rich plutocrats of the northern industrial economy indulged in a different kind of "slavery."

These are people who are committed to the view of Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged, taken and applied to the American context. Like Henry Ford. And Elon Musk. THAT'S the global alliance we also need to watch and warn about.

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I agree, greed and domination are closely allied. One potentiates the other. And exploiting the racism of the poor serves as a distraction, to gain their support for policies that actually run counter to their interests.

But even as these two evils are allied, so fighting one of them weakens the other. The society that aspires to be more just combats greed and domination, while promoting freedom and equal opportunity. Easy to say, hard work to accomplish.

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It IS hard work to accomplish. I am seeing many signs of diverse people coming together to articulate those goals as collective goals, with concrete ideas about how to achieve them. That's what keeps me volunteering to do what I can, with others. Just one example is BridgeUSA and the local chapter of BridgeNCSU. Explicit goals, institutional support, and local action to make progress. The Puppies and Politics event they did sounded fun and effective. We're doing a discussion on electoral reform this fall with them. The format itself helps to build the skills needed for constructive engagement among people who disagree.

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Obama is no more black than he is Caucasian. He's precisely 50% of each. And he was elected and re-elected. I think '16 was more about Clinton's having taken way too much for granted, and not having tried hard enough. Biden made mincemeat of Trump in '20 in ways Clinton didn't bother to do. And at that, she had more of the popular vote than did Trump.

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Anytime someone asks me how could people still be behind him after all we know about him, I say racism is the answer.

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I’m one of those people that feels that the South is no longer a place I want to live. I’m planning a move to a more tolerant place. My only other concern is that I could stay and be a conductor on the Underground Railroad that would provide a safe place for women on their way to seek abortion in the North. Two options, one ❤️

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I'm 66 and working hard to bring electoral reform to North Carolina. Along with some other people. We are committed and we are making progress.

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A ton, I’m sure.

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That is really encouraging.

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I’m living on hope and the reality that there is no alternative, Fred.

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That must be beyond frustrating and heartbreaking to have an 18 year old go off in that direction.

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Very hard to accomplish.

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They are heroines.

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I am in agreement 100%.

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Money is a big part of it, and I’ve addressed that in past posts.

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Bless you for what you are doing.

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That is my thoughts as well. We know what trump is but once he's gone unfortunately we still will have almost 50% of Americans who see him and thinks he's my guy he's got my vote. And if you break down his supporters I think it's 60% white males, like 50% white women and something like 70 or 80% evangelicals. I have cut off most of my social media accounts because of the toxic environment there. Facebook, Instagram and X are all pushing conservative pro trump agendas and are banning people who disagree with trump as violating their standards but actual racist comments that you report are found not to violate their standards. Zuckerberg and Musk both have their head so far up the GOPs butt because they know they will make more money than under a democratic president who would possibly force them to pay their taxes.

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Well said.

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The occupant of the governors office of the failed state of Missouri received about 1 in 3 eligible votes.

Some amazing stalwarts like Jess Piper and Michele Hornish are working on the non voters, with some surprisingly good effect. best luck to those like them! — b.rad

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